Put a ball of aluminum foil on your plants: you will end 6 problems forever


Grow seedlings

Sow seeds in the ground

One of the most exciting uses of aluminum foil in the garden is to reflect sunlight and encourage efficient growth of seedlings. The reflected rays will provide heat and thus create a good temperature for the seeds. Find a cardboard or box and wrap the inside with aluminum foil so that the foil extends 5 cm beyond the edge. Secure with tape so the blade does not move. Poke holes in the bottom of the box to drain excess water.

Keep birds and other animals away.

Birds  have a natural fear of bright and noisy things. So if you want to protect your fruits and plants, simply tie long, narrow strips of aluminum foil around them.

keep deer away

Their long legs and slender mouths easily reach young trees. Wrap a wide strip of aluminum foil around the trunk of a tree at least 50cm high to scare them away.

Now you know all the other uses of aluminum foil that can be useful in your garden.