15 plants that purify the air in your home more effectively


Indoor plants are not only suitable for decorating indoor spaces, they also make a decisive contribution to improving air quality.

Plants make the air in your home more breathable by increasing the oxygen content of the air through photosynthesis. They can also filter and purify the air by eliminating toxic substances.

Home air can contain harmful compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene, which are released by glues, paints and appliances. Below we list the 15 best plants to purify the air in your home.

Spatafillo. it is easy to grow and maintain and has beautiful white flowers that help to decorate the environment. This plant is very useful for purifying the air in your home.
Rubber fig (Ficus elastica). This plant native to South Asia has large, dark leaves and is ideal for the living room or bedroom.
Common ivy (Hedera helix). It is undoubtedly one of the most used indoor plants and is perfect for decorating windows.
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