Gone with the spots on the mattresses, the hydrogen peroxide will destroy them in a few minutes.


Treatment of specific spots: Urine, Blood and Moisture

Urine spots: Immediately absorb excess urine with paper towels, then gently dab the affected area with a damp cloth. For persistent spots, apply lemon juice or vodka, leave it for about 20 minutes to apply, then gently brush before disinfecting the area.
Blood stains: Avoid hot water that could fix the stain. Prepare a paste by mixing sodium bicarbonate with water, apply it to the stain and allow it to work for several hours before brushing and suckling.
Mould: Remove sheets and mattress protectors, then treat mold spots with a soft cleaning product. If the mould is extended or thoroughly inlaid, consider replacing the mattress to avoid health risks.
Conclusion: Keeping your mattress fresh. Whether you are faced with stubborn stains or unpleasant odours, there are simple and effective solutions for cleaning your mattress and maintaining its quality. Using common products such as hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate, you can effortless revitalise your mattress. Remember to act quickly in case of stains to prevent them from getting overlayed. With these practical tips, you can bid farewell to the cleanliness worries of your mattress and enjoy a peaceful and refreshing sleep.