Castor oil for back pain, sciatic pain and arthritis


When it comes to treating low back pain, we usually rely on pain relief medications. However, medicines relieve pain for a short period of time and can cause stomach discomfort when taken for a prolonged period of time.

Traditional treatments for back pain, sciatica pain and arthritis are often more effective and safer than anti-inflammatory drugs and medicines. Among the various traditional pain relief options, castor oil is one of the oldest treatments that provides rapid relief from back, sciatic pain and arthritis.

Unfortunately, most of us know castor oil as a laxative and ignore this inexpensive remedy that works wonders for back pain, sciatic pain and arthritis.

Eliminate back pain, arthritis pain and sciatica with castor oil
1. Castor oil catalomones

In European folk medicine, the castor oil poultry is applied to the painful area to reduce pain. For the treatment, you need good quality and hexane-free castor oil, cotton flannel, plastic film, bath towel and heating pad or hot water bottle. Castor oil stains the fabric. Therefore, use old clothes and towels.

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