Should you wash new clothes before wearing them?


When you purchase new clothes, they come with the excitement of adding fresh styles and colors to your wardrobe. Often, the thought of wearing them as soon as possible can be very appealing. However, the question arises: should you wash your new clothes before wearing them for the first time? This decision is not just a trivial matter of personal preference but can have implications for your health, comfort, and the durability of your garments.
The Case for Washing New Clothes First
1. Presence of Chemicals:
New clothes are often treated with chemicals to enhance their color, prevent the growth of bacteria during storage, and provide a crisp, unwrinkled appearance. These chemicals can include formaldehyde, which helps prevent mildew and can also cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals. By washing these garments before wearing, you can remove a significant amount of these potential irritants.
2. Skin Sensitivity and Allergies:
People with sensitive skin or allergies may react to the dyes and chemicals present in new clothes. Washing them can help to minimize the risk of dermatitis and other allergic reactions.
3. Removing Dirt and Germs:
New clothing is not free from dirt and germs despite its appearance. Throughout the process of manufacturing, shipping, and shopping, numerous people may have handled your clothes. Washing them ensures that any dirt, germs, or other substances that have accumulated are cleaned off before they come into contact with your skin.

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