Should you wash new clothes before wearing them?


4. Possible Infestation:

Although it is not common, new clothes can harbor insects or their eggs. A good wash cycle is a straightforward way to ensure that no unwanted guests are lurking in your brand new purchases.
5. Setting the Dyes:
Washing can help set certain dyes that may otherwise bleed onto your skin or other clothes. It’s especially important to wash new denim and other clothing with rich colors that might not have been pre-washed and might transfer some of their dyes upon first wear.
The Argument Against Washing
Not everyone chooses to wash new clothes, and some factors that support this choice include:
1. Immediate Need:
Sometimes, you may need to wear an item right away, and there might be no time for a laundry cycle. In such instances, the decision might lean towards wearing the clothes as they are.
2. Environmental Consideration:
Some individuals are concerned about the environmental impact of washing clothes too frequently. The conservation of water and energy is a priority for many, and they may opt to avoid washing new clothes to minimize unnecessary laundry cycles.
3. Fabric Preservation:
There is a belief that washing clothes can sometimes impact the fabric’s texture and longevity. To maintain the ‘new’ feel and look for as long as possible, some may avoid washing their new clothes before the first wear.
Ultimately, whether to wash new clothes before wearing them comes down to individual preference, health considerations, and concern for garment care. If you have sensitive skin or are bothered by the idea of wearing something that’s not been cleaned after purchase, it’s a good practice to wash these items. On the other hand, if immediate use is necessary or conservation is a priority, you might choose not to wash them immediately. In either case, being informed helps ensure that you’re making a choice that’s right for you and your new wardrobe additions.