11 Plants That Act as Natural Insect Repellents


Insects Repelled: Aphids, mosquitoes, cabbage moths

Planting garlic around the garden acts as a barrier against aphids, mosquitoes, and cabbage moths, protecting your vegetables and flowers.

9. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Insects Repelled: Mosquitoes, carrot flies, cabbage moth

Rosemary’s woody scent repels garden pests while attracting butterflies. It’s ideal for container gardening or as part of a culinary herb garden.

10. Petunias (Petunia)

Insects Repelled: Aphids, tomato hornworms, asparagus beetles

Often called “nature’s pesticide,” petunias repel a variety of insects. Plant them in sunny spots near vegetable gardens or in hanging baskets.

11. Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon nardus)

Insects Repelled: Mosquitoes

While citronella candles are a popular mosquito repellent, growing the plant itself can offer localized protection. Best grown in large planters due to its size.

Incorporating these natural insect-repellent plants into your garden layout not only helps in creating a more pleasant and pest-free environment but also enhances the biodiversity and aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space. While no plant is 100% effective against all pests, these selections can significantly reduce the need for chemical repellents and contribute to a healthier, more natural garden ecosystem.