Here’s why you should chew 2 cloves a day


4. Contribute to liver health

The liver is responsible for detoxifying the body and metabolizing many substances we consume. The eugenol found in cloves improves liver function and prevents several liver diseases according to a study that showed that eugenol helped reverse the signs of liver cirrhosis.

5. Reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

Eugenol also gives cloves its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use it as a remedy for headaches, digestive pain and joint pain. In addition to consuming them, you can use cloves as a poultice. Simply mix a few drops of clove essential oil with water and clay and apply it to the painful area.

Also read: Here we leave you 14 unexpected uses of cloves to improve your health every day

6. Take care of your bones and joints

According to a study published in Natural product research, cloves contain certain elements such as flavonoids, manganese and eugenol that promote bone and joint health. These substances increase bone density, help create bone tissue, and transport healthy minerals to the bones.

7. Fight bacteria

Cloves have been shown to have antimicrobial properties, meaning they can help stop the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria.