Vegan Custard


Vegan Vanilla Custard Delight


Indulge in the luxuriously smooth embrace of our Vegan Vanilla Custard, a sublime creation that redefines the essence of dairy-free desserts. Crafted with precision and simplicity, this custard promises a symphony of flavors in every spoonful. Whether enjoyed on its own, as a filling for pies and tarts, or as a decadent topping for cakes and fresh fruit salads, this custard elevates the art of plant-based indulgence.

Dietary Considerations:

Our Vegan Vanilla Custard caters to diverse dietary preferences, embracing gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian lifestyles. This delightful creation is a testament to the fact that plant-based treats can be both wholesome and indulgent.

Preparation Time:

Efficiency meets decadence with a quick and easy preparation time of just 20 minutes. This makes our Vegan Vanilla Custard an ideal choice for those seeking a delightful dessert without the lengthy preparation process.


Soy Milk (2 cups or 500ml, unsweetened): A creamy and dairy-free base, soy milk serves as the foundation for our custard, providing a luscious texture.
Corn Flour/Corn Starch (2 tablespoons or 28g): Whisked seamlessly into the custard, corn flour imparts the desired thickness and smooth consistency.
Sugar (1/3 cup or 77g, adjust to taste): Sweetness is a key element, and the quantity of sugar can be adjusted based on personal preferences.
Vanilla Extract (1 teaspoon): A teaspoon of vanilla extract introduces a fragrant and aromatic note, enhancing the overall flavor profile.
Saffron (3-4 threads): Saffron strands, soaked in hot water, lend a delicate color and a subtle hint of exotic flavor to the custard.
Hot Water (3 tablespoons): The hot water serves as the infusion medium for soaking saffron strands, intensifying their essence.

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