Vegetables in homemade jars, which can be kept for a year or more, without sterilization or freezing, is it possible?


We must also add: which have even more vitamins than fresh vegetables… Yes, it’s possible and it’s even very good. Forget everything you have learned and rediscover this simple, child’s play process, known for at least ten thousand years: lacto-fermentation.

And it looks pretty on a kitchen shelf. Yes, it even keeps at room temperature.
From left to right back row: ketchup placed on a pot of sauerkraut, green beans with savory, kimchi, cherry tomatoes. Middle row: radishes with basil, pickles with herbs, kohlrabi with mustard seeds. Front: red and green peppers.

How is it possible ?
Lacto-fermentation is a preservation process used since the Neolithic, sorry, and which consists of letting foods macerate with salt, or immersing them in brine, in the absence of air. Fermentation then occurs, i.e. microbial activity which will secrete substances, including lactic acid, carbon dioxide and various enzymes. From the start, Leuconostoc mesenteroides begins to work, then other lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus cucumeris, take over. The lactic acid produced completely inhibits all micro-organisms likely to cause putrefaction. After a while, the acid content reaches a certain level, the medium becomes balanced, and fermentation stops by itself. At this stage, storage can last several years, even at room temperature.
Delicious, economical and also very healthy foods
Not only does this method of preparation preserve the vitamins and nutritional elements of foods, but it even increases their content, especially for vitamin C and those of group B, PP and K. Fermentation improves the digestibility of products and their assimilation by our organism. It reduces the nitrate content of vegetables. It partly degrades the pesticides that may be present in plants. It creates antibiotic substances that fight against pathogenic microbes. It also strengthens the effectiveness of our immune system.

We always cite the example of Captain Cook’s sailors who, during a year’s voyage, were free from scurvy thanks to the barrels of sauerkraut taken on board. Lactic acid bacteria are very beneficial for our body: they are the famous “probiotics” that pharmaceutical laboratories and the agro-industry sell to you at high prices either in capsules or in the form of thickened and sweetened milk in plastic pots. . So stop the actimachin and the bifidotruc, simply eat lacto-fermented foods, not only will you enjoy yourself, you will save money, and you will spend the winter just as well, if not better because you will have avoided gorging yourself on sugar and artificial flavors with which these industrial products are full!

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