Voici les 6 Aliments qui Nettoient vos Reins


The kidneys play several roles in the body. The most important thing is to filter out deadly toxins. It is the kidneys that eliminate nitrogenous waste from the body.

We need to keep our kidneys healthy for several reasons, because the kidneys play a vital role in our body, the most important of all is that it filters deadly toxins because it is the kidneys that remove nitrogenous waste from the body. our organism.

Above all, we must avoid processed foods, additives and foods rich in sugar, but certain foods considered “healthy” can deteriorate our health and that of our kidneys, such as red meat rich in protein.

Here are the best foods that will keep your kidneys functioning properly.

You want to help your kidneys work efficiently and naturally flush toxins from your body by drinking plenty of fluids. In general, you should try to drink at least two liters of water per day, even more if it’s hot and you lose a lot of water through sweating.
Observe the color of your urine to know if you are drinking enough water.
Your urine should be a straw yellow color. If it is darker, you may be dehydrated and need to drink more water.
Consuming water during the day helps reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.
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