1 year of laundry for less than EUR 10: 2 ingredients are sufficient


Self-doing is an excellent idea for saving money and thinking about the environment. Let's see how to prepare it for a year.

Making your own home-made laundry will allow you to spend only ten euros for one year of washing machines.

Home desentress: benefits
In addition to being bought at the supermarket, the detergent can also be made at home, with considerable savings. Doing your own laundry will also allow you to respect the environment and the health of the people we care about. Very often, in fact, the detergents sold in supermarkets contain surfactants or chemicals which, in the long run, can have harmful effects on the body.

Not to mention the dangerous effects on the environment. In addition, home-made laundry is hypoallergenic and does not contain preservatives.

It has been shown that French families, for example, carry on average 5 machine washes per week, for a total of 220 washes in one year. During these washes, 26 liters of liquid detergent and 40 kg of powder are used.

At home, you can make all the laundry, even the one for washing your laundry machine. Let's see how it can be produced for a year's laundry, using just two ingredients and spending less than ten euros (around 0.35 cents per litre).

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