1 year of laundry for less than EUR 10: 2 ingredients are sufficient


Manufacturing process
The ingredients needed to prepare the liquid laundry that you will need for a laundry year are:

Marseille soap flakes, 60 grams (average cost, about 0.40 cents)
sodium percarbonate , 15 grams (average cost 0.15 cents)
bicarbonate , 30 grams, (average cost 0.10 cents)
essential oil, a few drops (about 0.05 centimes).
1 litre of hot water
1 litre of cold water
You must first heat one litre of water. Inside, the Marseille soap flakes must be incorporated. The french fries must be well mixed.

The fire extinguished, the sodium percarbonate and then the bicarbonate must be poured. Then you can mix at all with a mixer. The aim is to make the mixture as homogeneous as possible.

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