Have the hair smoother and silk without spending money with these 3 natural treatments


The hair is the coronation of every woman. Everyone would like to have smooth and silky hair, who wouldn't want it?

However, some are not lucky enough to have beautiful hair, which leads them to turn to smoothing products.

These smoothing products are in great need of, but the chemicals that are mainly used to make your hair flat and elegant, have repercussions on the health of your hair.

If you want to have smooth hair without damaging your shiny hair, you can try these effective natural remedies:

1. Eggs

The egg is one of the best things to feed your hair. With its proteins, lecithin and fatty acids, eggs can help you repair your hair.

Mix an egg white with a tablespoon of honey and olive oil and mix until a dough is obtained. Apply it to your hair and keep it for 30 minutes. Wash using a soft shampoo and cold water.

2. Beer

Beer is another perfect ingredient that can be used for hair treatment. Beer has proteins like hops and malt that will help you treat your damaged hair.

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