Nana used to store this sauce in jars so she would always have it on hand!


When the summer air turns warm and the garden is bursting with life in my little corner of the Midwest, I can’t help but think of the days when my old-fashioned kitchen would transform into a culinary trip around the world. One such trip takes me back to the flavors of China, with the famous Sweet & Sour Sauce. This sauce could very well be like the one found in small corner takeouts, but oh honey, when you make it from scratch, those flavors intensify, making you appreciate each ingredient like a story from the past. Sweet and sour sauce is a staple in Chinese cuisine, a balance of contrary flavors that dance on the palate, and let me tell you, it’s a harmony that might have serenaded Marco Polo himself. Making your own means you can avoid those additives and preservatives and you’ll have a jar of goodness that’s as honest as a handshake from your neighbor.
Pour this sauce over some tender, pan-fried chicken pieces, cuddle it up next to a mound of fluffy white rice, or drizzle it on crispy egg rolls fresh from the fryer. For a more bountiful table, a simple stir-fry of garden vegetables or a coleslaw speckled with green onions creates a marriage of tastes that’ll have your folks ’round the table faster than the holler of a dinner bell.
Sweet & Sour Sauce
Servings: Makes about 2 cups

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