Put aluminum foil on the balcony – you will definitely get rid of this problem


Invasive, undesirable, harmful… that’s how pigeons are perceived today. The pigeon is considered the quintessential city bird and has acquired a bad reputation in urban environments. Therefore, it is no coincidence that he received the nickname “flying rat”. It is not surprising that this bird poses a certain risk to human health as a carrier of numerous diseases, not to mention the sounds and olfactory disturbances that it can produce or emit: cooing, flapping wings and excrement, among others. And it doesn’t end there! In fact, the pigeon is a bird that loves to settle almost anywhere if the opportunity arises. Roofs, terraces, window sills, no place is exempt from this, including balconies. Finding the balcony full of excrement, excrement and excrement is a real nightmare, especially if you want to sit there and breathe every now and then. Now you are faced with a routine that is as restrictive as it is derogatory: clean the balcony after every pigeon migration. Don’t worry, you don’t have to endure this inconvenience anymore because there is a trick that you can use to keep pigeons away from your balcony railing permanently: aluminum foil.

Pigeon on the balcony – Source: spm
How to install aluminum on the balcony to repel pigeons?
When faced with a horde of pigeons on your balcony, gesticulating or shouting won’t help. No matter how hard you try, the result is always the same: you come back every day, and a little more. Your balcony and everything around it becomes dirty. Luckily, you can rely on this good old aluminum foil to fix this problem. Aluminum is generally used in the kitchen and is an excellent ally to repel pigeons that land on the balcony railing. In fact, aluminum, when placed on the edge of the balcony, reflects sunlight, which greatly annoys the pigeons , as they hate anything that shines. In addition, pigeons also hate the noise that aluminum makes when it crumples or when multiple pieces are mixed together, which pushes them to find a new target.
This cost-effective pigeon repellent is easy to install. Simply cut several pieces of aluminum and place them on the edge or railing of your balcony, targeting the spot where they are most likely to fall. And if you are short on aluminum foil, you can always opt for an alternative solution. In fact, you can use aluminum panels. Equally effective: simply place two or three of them on the balcony for an immediate and guaranteed effect.

Piece of aluminum – origin: spm
Thanks to this technology, pigeons can no longer venture onto your balustrade. This means you can fully enjoy your balcony at any time of the day without having to worry about its appearance.