Great tip: Thanks to this method, my house smells like a rich man’s house!



For a cozy scent: add concentrated fabric softener to one of the lemons. Ideal for living rooms.
To repel insects: add cloves to one of the lemons. Perfect for kitchens or outdoor areas.


Lemon with salt and alcohol: living room, citrusy and refreshing scent.
Lemon with fabric softener: bedrooms, cozy scent.
Lemon with cloves: kitchens, outdoor areas, natural repellent.


With this simple, cheap and effective tip, you can transform the scent of your home and leave it smelling pleasant and sophisticated. Try it and see how easy it is to bring a touch of luxury to your home with simple ingredients!

With this simple, cheap and effective tip, you can easily transform the scent of your home and leave it smelling pleasant and sophisticated. Give it a try and see how easy it is to bring a touch of luxury to your home with simple ingredients! See more tips!