I mixed mothballs and fabric softener and magic happened in my house!


To begin with, you’ll need some mothballs. Put it in a bowl and add fabric softener. By mixing these two ingredients, you’ll see the “magic” happen. But how exactly do you do it?

By mixing the ingredients: Grab a cloth and get ready for the transformation. You’ll need a hammer (yes, that’s right!) to break the mothballs into smaller pieces, making them easier to dissolve.
Adding Hot Water: In a basin, pour a liter of hot water and dissolve the broken mothballs well. The hot water is crucial to ensure that everything mixes evenly.
Incorporating the fabric softener: Now add concentrated fabric softener to the mixture. Concentrated fabric softener is essential for its intense cleaning power and fragrance.

Incredible benefits of mothballs and fabric softener

By applying this mixture in your home, you will not only save money, but you will also enjoy several benefits:

Deep cleaning: The combination of mothballs with fabric softener and hot water results in a powerful solution that cleans deeply, leaving rooms not only clean, but also fragrant.
Antiseptic action: The mixture has properties that help eliminate germs and keep the home protected.
Insect repellent: One of the great advantages of this homemade solution is its ability to repel unwanted insects, such as cockroaches and spiders. The smell, although pleasant for us, is a powerful repellent for these intruders.

How to use

For General Cleaning: Use the mixture to clean floors and other surfaces. It will leave a pleasant scent and help keep the house free of insects.
As a repellent: In addition to cleaning, you can apply the mixture to specific areas to repel insects.


The tip of mixing mothballs with fabric softener may seem unusual, but the results are surprising. As well as being an economical solution, it offers multiple benefits ranging from deep cleaning to insect repellent action. Try this magical mixture and transform your home into a cleaner, more fragrant environment, free from unwanted visitors.