The secret to treating melasma at home with just one type of leaf is easy to find. Use it consistently for 1 week and you will see results immediately


There are many folk tips to effectively whiten skin and treat melasma at home. In particular, perilla leaves are a method of treating melasma that brings quick results, has a variety of preparation methods, is both cost-effective and easy to do at home.

1. Uses of treating melasma with perilla leaves

How to effectively treat melasma with perilla leaves at home

Perilla leaves contain many nutrients that help lighten melasma and whiten skin from deep within the body such as: Vitamin A, vitamin C, essential oils, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, etc.

These abundant nutrients have the ability to gradually dilute the melanin under the skin, limit the production of factors that cause skin darkening, thereby quickly fading unsightly dark spots on the skin. Furthermore, using perilla leaves also helps remove rough and dead skin cells, helping the skin easily absorb nutrients and become smoother and more youthful.

Perilla can be combined with some other foods to help enhance the ability to treat melasma more optimally. >>> See more related articles:  How to treat melasma2. Top 10+ Simple but extremely effective ways to treat melasma with perilla leaves at home

2.1. Treat melasma with perilla leaf water

This method of directly using perilla leaves is easy to do, because it saves time and brings immediate melasma treatment results. Perilla leaf water is both good for the body and good for skin beauty. Drinking perilla leaf water regularly will help the body cool down effectively, help prevent the production of melanin that causes melasma, and help bring about clean, bright, smooth and even-toned skin.

Treat melasma with perilla leaf waterHow to make perilla leaf water:

  • Step 1: Wash 1 handful of perilla leaves with salt water.
  • Step 2: Put the washed perilla leaves in a blender with 1 cup of filtered water and blend together.
  • Step 3: Blend the mixture of water and perilla leaves. Then filter the water and drink directly.

Using 1 cup of perilla leaf water regularly every day will quickly feel the effect of treating melasma and brightening the skin. You can add a little sugar to make the perilla leaf juice easier to drink.

2.2. How to treat melasma with perilla tea

In addition to treating melasma with ground perilla leaves, we can drink perilla leaf juice by making tea to treat melasma. Brewing perilla leaf tea will have a more pleasant taste and be easier to drink. It also has the ability to cool the body and reduce skin pigmentation similar to fresh perilla leaf water. In addition, drinking perilla tea can also help you reduce dry skin, peeling skin, and soften rough skin patches.

How to make perilla leaf tea:

  • Step 1: Wash the perilla leaves with diluted salt water until clean.
  • Step 2: Take the washed perilla leaves to dry or put them in the oven to dry (if it’s not sunny or it’s the rainy season).
  • Step 3: Use a few dried perilla leaves, boil with boiling water like normal tea and use. Or you can put dried perilla leaves in filtered water and boil for about 5 minutes to quickly release the substances and use immediately afterwards.

The remaining dried perilla leaves can be stored in a sealed bag and used later. Perilla leaves make tea that is easy to drink and can be used daily for quick results.

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