Growing Apple Saplings from Scraps: A Cost-Free Journey in 10 Days


cultivating an apple sapling in a pot 1

Planting and Nurturing Your Sapling

Create a hole approximately 3 to 4 cm deep. Using tweezers, delicately place the germinated seed into the hole with the root facing downwards and the seed upwards. Take care not to damage the delicate structure. Cover the seed with soil and mist with water using a spray bottle. Position the pot in a well-lit area, avoiding direct sunlight exposure.

Over time, you’ll notice the sprout growing taller. Within around 7 days, a tiny 4 cm sapling will emerge. After a month, the first leaves will begin to flourish. As the plant continues to thrive, it will gradually grow taller. Once the plant reaches a height of over 1 meter and a trunk diameter of 1 cm, it will be ready for grafting.