How to bring a faded or wilted orchid back to life?


Orchids are among the most loved flowers for their shapes and variety of colors. Only, we tend to think that these flowering plants require a lot of care when nothing could be further from the truth. Discover the advice of gardener Philipe LeTellier in the Oise, to grow this plant that adds a flowery touch to your apartment. One thing is for sure: it will remain sturdy for a long time, even if it has already faded with this ultimate guide.

If you brought home a beautiful orchid and are worried about it wilting, there are ways to keep it even if it’s wilted a bit. With a step by step guide, you will give it a second life.
How do you know if an orchid is dead?

To know if your orchid is dead, there are some signs to pay close attention to; if the leaves of your plant are yellowish in color, fall off one after the other and the roots turn brown, it means that your plant is unfortunately dead.

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How to care for orchids?

Success in orchid care comes from consistency, not owner experience. “Orchids need a few things to stay upright. Once you give them the best conditions, you will be able to enjoy them for years to come.

Choose the right jar

The first mistake to avoid when learning how to care for orchids is using the wrong pot. In nature, orchids grow on the bark of trees. It will therefore be necessary to try as much as possible to reproduce this environment. Instead of soil, use a pot specially designed for these flowers. Remember that you will need to repot your orchid as needed, about every two years. It’s important to remember that in addition to a new container you will also need new soil.

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