How to bring a faded or wilted orchid back to life?


Keep your orchid in a location that receives bright indirect light

Orchids bloom near sunlight. They should therefore be placed in a place that receives intense indirect light for most of the day. These flowers can tolerate medium light but can be damaged by direct sunlight which can dry them out too quickly and burn the petals. »

East-facing windows are ideal because they receive clear light early in the morning.

aquatic orchids

aquatic orchids

Water your orchid sparingly (but regularly)

You may have heard that you should water your orchid with an ice cube, but that’s not necessarily the best idea. Think about the warm, humid climates where most orchids come from. Irrigation with room temperature water is the solution. »

As for the recommended frequency, they should not be watered more than once a week. Place it under a very low flow faucet for 15 seconds. When you water your orchid, remove it from the decorative pot (it should always be in a growing pot) and let it dry completely before placing it back in the pot. »

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