I FINALLY know how to adjust the RADIATORS in the apartment: ADJUST this number – the house will be warm and you will save on heating!


The heating season is already underway and with energy prices rising, most of us fear receiving a nasty bill at the end of the regulation period. Some, for fear of high bills, do not even dare to turn on their radiators. Fortunately, there are ways to heat your home without breaking the bank. Follow these recommendations from Santé Plus Mag to save energy while maintaining the comfort of your home.

Understanding thermostat symbols:

Thermostats are quite simple to use. After mounting them on the radiators, simply turn the ring to select the temperature that provides the most comfort. The secret lies in the correct setting of the number, that is, in the choice of power supplied. Most of the time, you have six numbered programs, each tailored to a specific room.

Programming thermostats:

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