Don’t rush to throw away moldy clothes, because you can use 7 extremely effective ways to remove mold from clothes below


How to remove mold from colored clothes with potassium permanganate

Potassium potassium permanganate and lemon – an effective clothes cleaning duo

To bleach clothes with potassium permanganate, you just need to soak the clothes in a basin with diluted potassium permanganate. Soaking time is about 10 minutes, then soak with lemon juice mixture. Finally, wash again with normal laundry detergent, using fabric softener if you want.

Potassium potassium permanganate can help bleach and disinfect your clothes. You can use it to remove mold from colored clothes. Your items will be much brighter after using this method.

How to remove mold with soap, toothpaste, and lemon

How to remove mold from items with a magic mixture

If you already know how to clean shoes with toothpaste, you can also try this method with moldy clothes. By mixing three soap ingredients, toothpaste and a little lemon, the mold stain will gradually fade and disappear. Don’t forget to rinse thoroughly with water and rub a little harder than when washing normally.

Bleach for moldy clothes

Some mold removers you should check out

To regularly bleach clothes, the fastest way is to use bleach. You can buy it at every supermarket, store, etc. Remember to buy only gentle detergent, if you don’t want your clothes to wear out and fade quickly. You should bleach properly and use just the right amount.

The way to do this is to prepare about 4 liters of water, mix half a spoonful of laundry detergent and a little bleach. Then soak the clothes in that mixture for about 5 minutes. Take the clothes out and wash them again with regular laundry detergent. Finally, rinse with clean water. You can use fabric softener to make clothes softer and more fragrant.