Why is it necessary to pour a spoonful of bicarbonate on the gas stove?


Baking soda is a multi-purpose product
Over the course of many uses, they end up getting dirty, especially if you tend to forget to cover your pots and pans while cooking your food. As a result, dirt and grease stains can appear and be difficult to remove.

A way to clean hotplates
To clean stainless steel electric or gas hobs, you can use baking soda. Mix a liter of water and a cup of baking soda in a bowl. Leave to act for 15 minutes, then spray the stains with a damp sponge and scrub the hob to remove the stains. Rinse the hob and dry with a dry cloth.

Note, however, that it’s advisable to avoid using sodium bicarbonate to clean glass-ceramic hobs. The abrasive properties of the white powder may scratch the surface or leave a white film that is difficult to remove.

What else can baking soda be used for?
Cleaning, disinfecting and stripping. Baking soda is an economical and practical powder to use at home. Here are just a few uses you should know about:

To whiten teeth with baking soda
Baking soda is an excellent toothpaste for whitening teeth naturally. This old grandmother’s trick gives fast results. Simply apply a small amount to your toothbrush, then add toothpaste before brushing. Your teeth will look whiter than ever.
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