Trick with cornstarch to remove stains from your mattress and dry clean it


Addressing Common Household Issues:

Stained vases, lingering odors in toilets or sofas—these are everyday nuisances that can be easily resolved with cost-effective and efficient solutions. The ingredients for these tricks are readily available in your kitchen, making them accessible for practical use.
Application of the Cleaning Method:

Sometimes, persistent bacteria create wet spots on delicate surfaces, such as a vase, resisting conventional cleaning products. This same issue can also affect toilets, leading to unpleasant smells and potential rust. The homemade cleaner recommended here not only neutralizes odors but also deeply purifies surfaces.
How to Clean a Dirty Toilet:
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For this method, all you need is a cup of white vinegar, an equal amount of baking soda, and a toilet brush. First, rub the white vinegar onto the toilet bowl using the brush. Next, create an effervescent mixture by adding baking soda to a saucepan with vinegar. Let the paste sit in the toilet for 5 minutes with the seat closed, then flush. Voila, a clean toilet!

Dealing with Stubborn Dirt:

For long-lasting dirt in an old, neglected toilet, a powerful solution involves using borax and baking soda. Ensure safety precautions, such as wearing goggles and thick gloves. Apply white vinegar, scrub, add borax, wait, and rinse with hot water for a thorough clean.
Cleaning a Dirty Vase:

To clean a stained vase, mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol, and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Let the mixture sit, then rub and rinse. For persistent stains, use a moistened pumice stone with caution to avoid scratches.
Eliminating Odors from Sofa and Mattress:
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