Discover the Magic of a Belly Fat Burning Drink


Place the slices of lemon and banana peels in a saucepan. Pour in two glasses of water and one teaspoon of instant coffee.
Bring the Ingredients to a boil: Boil the blend for five minutes to let the flavors seep in.
After the mixture reaches a boiling point, strain it through a strainer to extract a powerful mixture of boiled banana and lemon peel.
Mix the ingredients together:
Put the apple and banana slices that have just been chopped into thin pieces together with the boiling banana and lemon peel in an electric blender.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a smooth consistency is reached.

Application Handbook:

Everyday Consumption: Take one cup of this enchanted mixture before going to bed.
The Secret Is Consistency: Make consuming this a habit. hydrate daily for a week.
Observe the Difference: As the drink begins to break down stored fat in your body, be ready to see changes within the first week.
Storage Advice: You can keep any leftover juice in the fridge to last you over the next week.Now that you have this easy recipe and application guidance, you can start your road to a healthier, smaller version of yourself. To your newfound wellness, cheers!