Say Goodbye to Cockroaches with the Clove Trick


Hereโ€™s how you can use cloves to keep these pests at bay:

Gather Your Materials: All you need are some whole cloves, which you can easily find at your local grocery store.
Strategic Placement: Identify areas in your home where cockroaches are most commonly spotted. These could include kitchen cabinets, drawers, corners, and behind appliances.
Place the Cloves: Simply scatter whole cloves in these areas. You can place them directly on surfaces or inside cabinets and drawers. The potent scent of cloves acts as a natural repellent, deterring cockroaches from entering or nesting in these spaces.
Regular Maintenance: Replace the cloves every few weeks to ensure their effectiveness. Over time, the scent may diminish, so itโ€™s essential to refresh the cloves to keep cockroaches away consistently.

Why Cloves Work?
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