9 Grandma's Remedies to Eliminate Intestinal Worms (Quick & Effective).

You can also get it by drinking contaminated water. Intestinal worms are often found in water contaminated with feces. But you can also catch it if you are in contact with infected people. I especially think of young children who put everything they pass through their hands into their mouths. Intestinal worm eggs may also be present on the hands or under the nails of infected people. They can then be transmitted to other people by direct contact. Finally, you can become infected when you come into contact with contaminated surfaces. Intestinal worm eggs can be present on door handles and toilet seats for example.
How to prevent the appearance of worms? As you have seen, intestinal worms do not happen by chance. You must therefore take some simple hygiene measures to avoid being infected. First, you should wash your hands regularly with soap and hot water. Especially before eating or before preparing food. It is also important to wash your hands after using the toilet or changing a diaper.
Do not drink water whose source you do not know, and even less water that is not drinkable. Practice good personal hygiene and do not share personal items like toothbrushes or towels. These precautions are even more important for children. Finally, change the sheets regularly and open the shutters in the bedrooms. Pinworms (white worms) are very sensitive to light. How do you know if you have intestinal worms?
So we know we have intestinal worms when we experience certain symptoms. These symptoms vary depending on the type of parasite you have in your body. This could be abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or weight loss. Some people also have unusual anal itching and trouble sleeping. When you experience these symptoms, you need to treat these infections quickly. Otherwise they can cause more serious complications. I explain to you further down in this article what can happen if you do not treat intestinal worms properly. In any case, there is nothing like using natural remedies to relieve and heal us. These remedies can either complement medications or permanently cure the problem. Let's look together at all of Grandma's little secrets, recipes and tips:
1. Eat garlic
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