Never throw away eggshells: I will teach you how to use them to fertilize your plants


Eggshell fertilizer provides important nutrients to plants and vegetables. Discover simple DIY tips for making your own eggshell fertilizer.

Eggshell fertilizer , or eggshell fertilizer, is made from crushed eggshells, which are rich in calcium carbonate, a mineral essential for strengthening plant cell walls. The shells also contain other minerals that help plants grow, including potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Eggshells therefore constitute an effective and inexpensive fertilizer for outdoor garden soil and indoor plants.

Eggshells – an excellent fertilizer for plants

Eggshells can benefit plants in the following ways:

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Eggshells reduce soil acidity . Many types of plants prefer low soil acidity to absorb nutrients and repel toxic elements such as aluminum. The calcium carbonate in eggshells lowers the pH of the soil, making it more alkaline than acidic.
Eggshells discourage blossom end rot. Some plants, such as tomato plants, develop black spots on the fruit tips due to a calcium deficiency. Adding calcium from eggshell fertilizer can help fruit plants thrive and avoid blossom end rot.
Eggshells control parasites . The lingering odor of eggs inside the shell repels deer, while the sharp edges of dried, crushed shells are dangerous to the soft bodies of snails and slugs.
Eggshells promote root growth . The calcium carbonate in eggshells helps strengthen plant roots, so they grow faster and stronger. Simply crush clean, dry eggshells into powder. Add the powdered eggshells to the boiling water, then cover and keep the mixture for a week, uncovering it only once a day to stir. After seven days, pour the mixture directly into the soil above the plant’s roots.
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