Apply a little toothpaste on the kitchen knife: the butcher’s tip!



Toothpaste for burnt iron
How many times does it happen that the iron burns and you can’t iron your clothes? Burns can damage your clothes, so you need to clean your iron carefully to achieve proper ironing and avoid damage.

Using toothpaste, especially mint-flavored toothpaste, is a very simple way to eliminate iron burns. Just apply the toothpaste, scrub with a toothbrush and then remove the residue with the steam from the iron or with a little hot water. Dry thoroughly after the operation.

Sharpen your knives with toothpaste
As we already mentioned, toothpaste is great for sharpening knives. This method is very popular with butchers who need very sharp knives to cut meat to perfection. In fact, after prolonged use, the knives seem dull and do not cut well.

Toothpaste contains abrasives, detergents, antibacterial agents, and a special substance called a silver film agent that plays an important role in the friction that occurs when sharpening knives.

The procedure is widely used in butcher shops, simple and quick to carry out and also allows for considerable savings. Also, butchers use this trick