When some of the pelargonium transforms into a container: it flies 5 minutes per day



Come cure a pelargonium

The Pelargonium is a very delicate piece for its beauty and resistance. Everything, like everything you need, has the right cure to prosper. Ecco also suggests how to take the cure of a pelargonium.

Specific cure for a pelargonium

It is important   to remember that the earth is right for you  . This food prefers dry soil and nutritious foods. Assicurati che vaso o l’aiuola en cui lo coltivi abbia un buon derenaggio e utilizza utilizza   a terrano specifico per piante da flor  .

Another fundamental thing is the correctness of the fishing gear. Avoid too frequent annoyance, poiché will not tolerate the acqua in eccesso. Wait for   the ground to move slightly first of   all. Ensure that you position your pellet in a sole position. This is why the solar light is direct and  it is not necessary to create fun and produce  abundant flowers.

Do not take care to adjust the power of your skin.   Rimuovi i flower appassiti   non appena emergono e pota le parti secche o danneggiate della pienta per incoraggiare una new crescita sana.

This simply means that you can guarantee a long life with your favorite clothes on the balcony or in the garden. Take care with care,   avoid piccoli errors  that might compromise the growth. E oltre alli principal cure, scopriamo com trasformare qualsiasi pelargonium en un cespuglio.

The main technology for transforming pelargonium

The main technique for propagating a pelargonium is that it is often used to be the most plant-loving of this beautiful floral variety, and it grows into a beautiful shrub. You can use various methods, depending on your preference and availability.

Come transform into a cespuglio

One of the   most common technologies is the label  . To do this, it is sufficient to tag a small portion of a healthy and strong dish, so please include some fog in the pre-prepared section. The story comes and is posted   in a vase with   a fresh and well-drained substrate,   keeping the earth lightly lightly without   starting to compare the radici.

Un’altra tecnica efficient è l’innesto. This method   of richness of high capacity and careful attention   consists of the unit of the various pillars, prelevando il germoglio or the top of a desired pillar (the portinnesto) and innestandolo on the trunk or on the base of another pianta (  the innesto  ). It is important for the   right party if it is properly displayed   that the information is correct. The result will not be surprising, but you will need to use this technique if you can also use the rami of geranio of various colors.

There is also the possibility of spreading and spreading by dividing the pieces. This method   can have an effect in the first place at the beginning of the estate   when the sound level is still strong and vigorous. You should simply separate it carefully from the motherboard with the air of an   attached container or a forklift blade  , and interrearli in another vessel. Always use compost suitable for this type of plant, and create a draining layer on the bottom of the vase.


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