13 tips for whitening clothes


I love white! It’s practically my favorite color! It’s the color of peace, freshness and cleanliness and I wear it all the time… or almost! But my white blouse didn’t have that yellow halo and my white dress didn’t have that dull color… How awful! It’s normal, my grandmother told me, white loses its shine over time, it’s the fate of all light-colored clothes! If like me, you regret seeing your yellowed clothes, don’t stress! An infallible grandmother’s remedy will save your day for guaranteed shine…

Why do white clothes lose their colors?

Let’s first start by understanding why our white linen turns yellow! The truth is that there are several causes for this, but here are the main reasons:

  • Bedding is stored in  damp  and/or poorly ventilated places.
  • The clothes are not properly cleaned. In this case, the residues inside the fibers show yellow stains.
  • Some fabrics are in contact with the hair and the body. They accumulate sweat and body fat that oxidize and give a yellow color.

Sodium bicarbonate

By knowing why your bedding and clothes turn yellow, you can prevent this from happening! But if it’s already too late, follow this tip based on natural products and ingredients, which you’ll probably already find at home or somewhere in the cupboard!

  1. Create a mixture of coarse salt and baking soda.
  2. Add a few teaspoons of water and mix.
  3. Put everything in the washing machine drum
  4. Add your usual cleaning detergent.
Pour a cup of baking soda and salt into the washing machine_

Repeat this procedure several times a month and you will notice that your yellowed clothes will become increasingly whiter and regain their former shine.

White vinegar


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