How to use baking soda to reduce fat in your belly, arms, thighs, and back.


Baking soda is one of the most common ingredients we use in our kitchen, and it has many different uses. It is a great health benefit that is widely recognized, and there is clear evidence of its effectiveness.

In this article, we explain the correct way to use baking soda to eliminate fat. Baking soda helps get rid of certain substances in the body that can help reduce fat in the stomach, back, arms, and thighs.




Its health benefits include aiding weight loss and reducing excess fat. Today, we will share three baking soda recipes for weight loss.

1- Recipe with baking soda and lemon:

* List of items needed:

Lemon juice.

- 1 teaspoon of baking soda

1/3 cup of water.

* How to get ready and use:

First, put the baking soda in the water and stir it in a few cups until it dissolves, then add the lemon juice and mix well.

Drink this liquid every day 21 minutes before eating breakfast.



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