Do you have such plates at home? Throw them away immediately! They can make you seriously ill.


Moreover, for painted plates or tableware items, the danger is much greater. This is because the paint composition includes salts of harmful elements. And here we mention just a few such as cobalt, boron, or cadmium. However, as long as the paint is intact, everything is okay. On the contrary, if due to an accident the plate is chipped in a part affecting the color, these toxic substances can get into the food, and then into the body.

Mugs, glasses, bowls, and even scratched or chipped plates can break when you pour something hot into them. So, imagine how unpleasant it would be to have a cup of tea break in your hand. Therefore, their place is in the trash, not in your kitchen. Also, such a cracked plate should not be put in the microwave oven. Although we can say that in the past these problems did not exist, and our grandparents lived just fine, we must keep in mind that times have changed. We do not eat as they did, and the immune system is different.