Start by cleaning the mason jar lids thoroughly to remove any residue or labels.
Select the photos you want to use and print them to fit the size of the jar lids. You may need to resize them using photo editing software.
Cut out the photos to match the circular shape of the jar lids.
If desired, cut out decorative paper or fabric to use as a background for the photo.
Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the inside of the jar lid using a foam brush.
Place the decorative paper or fabric inside the lid first, followed by the photo. Smooth out any air bubbles.
Apply another layer of Mod Podge over the photo to seal it. Allow it to dry completely.
Once dry, use the hot glue gun to attach a magnet to the back of the jar lid.
Allow the glue to set, and your jar lid photo magnet is ready to use.