Each stage of maturity provides specific benefits. Here’s how to choose yours according to your needs:
Green banana: an ally for blood sugar and slow digestion
Bananas that are still green contain a lot of resistant starch, a type of fiber that slows digestion and limits the absorption of sugar into the blood. This makes them a good choice for people monitoring their blood sugar. However, their firmer texture and starch can be difficult to digest for some.
Ideal for: People wishing to avoid sugar spikes and promote slow digestion.
Yellow banana: the perfect balance
At this stage, resistant starch has been transformed into natural sugars such as fructose and glucose. The yellow banana is therefore sweeter, but remains rich in fiber and antioxidants. It is generally well tolerated by the body and is a healthy and energizing snack.
Ideal for: Easy digestion, good energy intake and optimal nutritional balance.
Very ripe banana: a quick source of energy
The more a banana ripens, the sweeter and more digestible it becomes. However, its glycemic index increases, which means that its sugar is absorbed more quickly by the body. This can be problematic for diabetics, who must monitor their consumption.