How to prevent white sheets from yellowing when hanging them in the heat


Few natural remedies are as whitening as Marseille soap, which is the product adored yesterday as today!

The beauty of this trick is that you can safely use it both in the washing machine whenever you need to wash whites and for hand washing.

You will need to put the same amount in the basin with hot water in case you want to wash by hand.

Hydrogen Peroxide
When you see that the clothes have become particularly yellow, it is time to use hydrogen peroxide.

NB The hydrogen peroxide I am talking about is the 10 volume one, i.e. for domestic use.

You'll need to sprinkle a little water on the yellow stain and then machine wash it. Alternatively, you can dab the stain and rinse the garment until you see the stain disappear.

white vinegar
How could white vinegar be missing from our remedies?

It is a product that we can no longer do without today because of its preciousness, especially in the washing machine!

In the washing machine, on the other hand, you will have to put 1 cup of product directly into the detergent drawer and the laundry will be very white!