Here's how to wash floors with baking soda and still make them shine!

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Not everyone knows that baking soda has countless benefits for skin care at home. It can be used in all rooms: Bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and even on the terrace! In fact, it degreases, exfoliates and neutralizes even the most unpleasant odors. Not to mention its stain removing action, it can also be used to wash ...

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Antique sponges “WORTH GOLD” | Never throw them away again!

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home, don’t throw them away! In this article we will explain how to best reuse them for truly amazing results! Old plant sponges – this is how they are used First you need to get some old sponges . If they are the ones used to wash or clean dishes, it doesn’t matter. The important ...

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Here's why you shouldn't crush a cockroach in your house

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Cockroaches are insects that can spread quickly. During the summer, it is very common for several of these small insect pests to appear in homes. However, it is not recommended to walk on a cockroach in the kitchen. Find out why. Cockroaches can live, eat and breed in any corner of the house without you ...

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This dessert is guaranteed perfect for the weekend

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The recipe for infallible dessert is the most popular dessert in our house. Not only is it extremely delicious, but it is also perfect for serving after lunch or dinner. Follow the steps and prepare this delicious delicacy from start to finish today. At home, a dessert cannot be missed, everyone is crazy about this ...

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