A natural bomb for plants, just pour it into the soil to bring them back to life…

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Discover how even the most withered and barren plants can be rejuvenated with minimal effort. Those new to gardening should embrace certain natural strategies to cultivate robust and flourishing plants. It may surprise you, but a commonplace kitchen item, often discarded, is your key to optimal plant health. Curious about this miraculous ingredient? Let’s explore ...

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Baked Celery: A Light and Flavorful Delight

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In a culinary world often dominated by rich and heavy dishes, it’s a breath of fresh air to stumble upon a recipe that’s not only light and healthy but also brimming with flavor. Baked celery, an unassuming hero in the realm of vegetables, emerges as a dish that perfectly fits this bill. With its crisp ...

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Home tip: white vinegar replaces 6 cleaning products

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White vinegar is a versatile cleaning agent that can be used for a variety of tasks and can also be used as a replacement for many cleaning products, both store-bought and homemade. Here are some examples: All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle to create a basic all-purpose cleaner ...

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7 Quick Tips to Keep Mosquitoes Away from Your Home

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Mosquitoes, what a nuisance! Every year, these little creatures make life difficult for us. Stings, buzzing etc. They invade us and invite themselves with their share of hassles. Fortunately, their presence is not inevitable. It is possible to keep them away from the house without resorting to chemicals that are harmful to health and the ...

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Plants to be placed in water vessels to embellish the house

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Who doesn't like having plants at home? Not only do they purify the air and relax the environment, but they are also aesthetic and bring a touch of colour and freshness to our homes. If you do not have a garden, balcony or terrace, there are plants that can be placed in glass vases filled ...

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10 items to remove at night to lower your bill

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Did you know that there are household appliances that consume energy even when turned off ? Their impact on the bill is truly remarkable and should absolutely not be underestimated.It’s called “phantom consumption” and has an important impact on the bill, so much so that by disconnecting certain appliances, you can save more money than you might ...

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