Humidity in the house? With this remedy you eliminate and perfume the whole house!

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With the arrival of bad weather, it is easy to notice an    increase in humidity    in the home, which can often cause the    formation of mold    and become a danger to our health. Normally, during the coldest periods of the year, to overcome this problem,    dehumidifiers are used at home, which partially reduce the humidity level in the rooms. In ...

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Containers stained with grease: clean them in 5 seconds

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How annoying are dirty, greasy, sauced or greasy containers? So much so that we often end up no longer using them, given the disgust we feel when we open them. And yet, they are very useful! They can store leftover food, saving us from unnecessary waste. But over time, traces settle on the bottom which are very difficult ...

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Dirty oven tray? With this tip, it will be like new!

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Dirty oven tray? With this tip, it will be like new! Let’s face it, no one likes cleaning. However, I hope no one likes living in dirt. So, to prevent this from happening, you can resort to home remedies to remove  grease from kitchen utensils . Below you can read some  very effective home methods  to remove  encrusted grease from cooking plates . ...

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Washing machine: only 3 drops of shampoo in the bathtub

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Washing machine: put 3 drops of shampoo in the bathtub. This is what happens to your bosses. As you know,  shampoo  is essential for hair care. With this product, dirt, debris and excess oil can be removed from the scalp and hair with every hair wash. There are countless perfumes on the market that have the ability to make ...

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You have no idea how the oven glass shines with this simple trick!

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We know how important it is to constantly clean the  oven,  but we often neglect the   protective glass .  However, grease and grease splashes compromise its  shine and transparency in the long term , also affecting the general hygiene of the interior of the device. For this reason, it must be maintained and disinfected carefully. Anything that comes into direct contact with food ...

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Lemon peels with white vinegar, if you combine them you save a lot of money

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Have you ever tried combining lemon peels with white wine vinegar? Two natural ingredients give something unique. Natural remedies, those passed down from grandmothers, are used more and more. The products on the market are certainly designed to solve all problems, but an entirely natural product does not pollute and does not contain preservatives. In ...

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