Orange peels, the surprising reason why so many boil them in oil

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Oranges are widely consumed in our country, both for the sweet taste that distinguishes them and for the multiple benefits they are capable of providing. Here is why you should never throw away orange peels. To eat a complete and correct diet, as you all know, it is essential to consume fruit and vegetables on ...

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“Shiny Floors without Chemicals: Discover the Cleaning Companies’ Secret!”

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Learn the secret behind cleaning companies’ method for achieving brilliantly clean floors without expensive cleaning products. With just three household ingredients, you can create your own floor cleaner in under a minute, leaving your floors spotless and your home smelling fresh. The Homemade Solution: Step-by-Step Guide Start with Half a Liter of Water: Begin your ...

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pâtes alfredo aux crevettes

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pâtes alfredo aux crevettes INGRÉDIENTS * 1 cuillère à soupe de beurre * 1 cuillère à soupe d’ail haché * 20 crevettes propres * 2 tasses de crème fouettée * 200 gr de fettuccini cuits et égouttés * 1 cuillère à café de sel * 1 cuillère à café de poivre blanc moulu * 250 ...

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Baguette française : la recette du pain facile et croustillant

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Baguette française : la recette du pain facile et croustillant Ingrédients FARINE : 500 gr EAU CHAUDE : 370 gr LEVURE : 25 gr LE SEL : 1 cuillère à café Des instructions Ajoutez la farine dans un bol. Délayer la levure avec un peu d'eau. Ajoutez-le dans le bol avec de la farine. la ...

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